Friday, March 25, 2011

Misinformation is...costly

Beside being a great song and video, one line from 'Mass Destruction' by Faithless comes to my mind each time I realize how far advanced is the omnipresent semi-lethrgic state of mind of today's society: 'Misinformation is a weapon of mass destruction'. It plays in my mind over and over as I'm trying to understand why so many 'civilized' human beings lost the natural self-defence mechanism of questioning the reality around them. 'Truths' blaring out of 40-inch LCD HD television sets soak into the minds and unhurriedly generate a sense of safety that most humans desire. They also offer a certain something: the norm, the pattern, the canon, the standard, the regular, the typical, the prevailing, the one-size-fits-all. The averageness. Average is good. Average is safe. Average is normal. Repeated exposure to the same information makes the mind abosrb it more easily...but what if that INFORMATION is, in fact, MISINFORMATION? MIS-IN-FOR-MATION? MIS-IN-FORMATION? MISSING-FORMATION? MISS-INFORMATION? Deceitful? Fully-intended? Driven by gluttony?

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